West Frisian–English dictionary

English translation of the West Frisian word appèl

West Frisian → English
West FrisianEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
; ;
(yn appèl gean);
appeal to a higer court
(appèl oantekenje);
appeal to a higer court
Adam’s apple
apple blossom
apple syrup
apple juice

West FrisianEnglish
appèl appeal; call; roll‐call
appel apple; pupil; dapple; spire ball
appèl blaze sound the roll‐call
appèl hâlde call the roll; take the roll‐call
appèl oantekenje lodge an appeal
foar in appel en in aai for a song
in appèl dwaan op make an appeal to; appeal to
yn appèl gean lodge an appeal
jin gjin appels foar sitroenen ferkeapje litte not let not let somebody pull the wool over one’s eyes
troch de soere appel bite grin and bear it
adamsappel Adam’s apple
appelbeam apple‐tree
appelbenjee apple fritter
appelbloeisel apple blossom
appelboar apple corer
appelbol apple dumpling
appelflap apple turnover
appelgebak apple‐pie
appelgrau dapple‐grey
appelich glowing with health; fond of apples; keen on apples
appelpit apple pip
appelsjerp apple syrup; apple spread
appelsmots apple‐sauce
appelsop apple juice
appeltaart apple‐pie
appelwangen rosy cheeks
appelwyn cider